Become an InvestorGeekIn honor of Labor Day, we are offering to employ between 5-10 new authors. If you are interested in becoming a contributing writer for our site, please:

  • Send your name, e-mail address, phone number, and blog URL if you have one, to contact {at} investorgeeks * com.
  • Include a brief summary (no more than 200 words) on why you want to be an InvestorGeek.
  • Also include hyperlinks to 2 articles you’ve written.

We will try to get back to you within three days of receiving your application. So while we will be accepting applications until 11:59PM on Monday the 18th of September, if you apply sooner you’ll hear back from us sooner.

If you specialize in a particular topic, let us know. We are specifically looking for writers to help round out our real estate and entrepreneurship topics. We are also very interested in bringing on active traders (day traders, swing traders, etc) and people who are making their living through their investments (retired investors, real estate agents/brokers, etc) to discuss their work. If you do not expect to cover one of these topics, please apply anyway. Because first and foremost we are looking for excellent writers with a passion for investing, people who would like to help us build our investing community. Is that you?

What’s in it for me?

  • If you have your own blog, writing for InvestorGeeks is a great way to drive traffic back to your site.
  • Becoming an Investor Geek will bring you together with other passionate investing writers who will become a resource for you to bounce writing and investing ideas off of. You will become a better writer. You will become a better investor.
  • We share our profits with our authors. Despite our claims of offering “employment”, the current take for the average InvestorGeeks author is not enough to live on. However, one month’s wages might buy you dinner (this is a bit of an improvement from our offer of “a beer” per month last time we were calling for authors).

We felt our first call for new writers was very successful (thanks, guys), and we hope to find some great new people to help us grow. Good luck to all who apply.