I said previously that I would maintain a wiki and blog at the same time. That way with the wiki you get a good overall view of things, and the blog are thoughts from the moment.


That did not work out so well. My blog went downhill, and so did my wiki. I got nowhere!

Then I decided to look back and see what is going on. I realized something interesting, and it was blogging is not where its at anymore. Recently I joined a chat room and people asked me, “what’s my twitter id”. I gave them my id (christianhgross), but added I hardly twitter.

Recently a very good friend of mine came by to visit me. Josh works at Microsoft and his job is to keep in close contact to the community. What struck me as interesting was that he blogged a bit, but twittered more. So after I joined the chat room I thought, if Josh twitters maybe there is something to this.

Indeed there is…

Hence from this point on I have come to the hard decision that I will broadcast my twitters to my blog, and write my articles on my wiki.

As they say, adapt and survive, and I am adapting…