Year-End Thoughts: Don’t Lose Out On Free Money Next Year!

Investors come in every shape and size, as well as risk tolerance. That last quality can really vary depending on whom you’re discussing the subject of investing. So let’s approach today’s rant in a way that should appeal to you whether you’re ultra-conservative or a daredevil risk taker.

One of the things to do during this holiday season after you’ve completed your shopping, should be to plan out your finances for next year. Most people I know put more thought and time into planning for their vacation than they do for their retirement. I’m guessing the majority of IG readers hold down a job somewhere so the first place to look at planning are your company’s offering of retirement plans. And I’m also guessing that most of us will not be able to say we spent a larger portion of our life taking vacations vs. being in retirement.

Retirement Plans Are Not Built Equally!
Complaints about one’s own retirement plan from disgruntled friends and family are common. My reaction is to ask them how much time they spent studying the features of their company’s offering? Too many people have the misconception that all plans are built equally. Throw that out right now! Ask for your company’s retirement plan prospectus and scrutinize it. Don’t say it’s boring, because you’re just giving yourself an excuse to fail. And if you can’t accomplish such a simple task, you really have no one but YOURSELF to blame for your future.

Some Thoughts On Steve’s Article and Personal Finance

I was reading Steve’s article and thought “Steve you are a smart guy.” Steve is being smart because I think he is reading the market correctly and getting ready. I read the comments associated with Steve’s article and thought many are missing the message within the article. One comment that caught my eye.

The Latte Factor: Not For Coffee Lovers

A good investor knows that most of investing is simple psyche 101, understanding people and what motivates them. That’s why the common advice, made popular by David Bach of the Finish Rich book series, of saving money on “little purchases such as lattes, fancy coffees, bottled water, fast food, cigarettes, magazines” makes me a tad bit crazy.

Little purchases? Find me a smoker that thinks cigarettes are a “little purchase.” Find me a coffee addict that thinks coffee is a “little purchase.”

Mutual Funds ARE for Losers!

Kimber made a post about why Mutual Funds Aren’t for Losers, which was a good article and I see her point of view, however, in this case, I thought I would show the other side of Mutual Funds, which, in my opinion, suck to the point where vacuums should be named after them, or maybe they could rename the Chicago Cubs the Chicago Mutual Funds.

Mutual Funds Aren’t For Losers

A buddy quoted Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad fame to me a few days back, saying “Mutual Funds Are For Losers.”

(This same buddy invests in index funds which are technically mutual funds but that is an entire other post.)

Well, chock me up as a loser because I do hold mutual funds, both now and in the past.

The Financial Guru

Back when I was a financial young’un, I went to one of those free seminars hosted by a mutual fund company. Speaking there was a financial “guru” that I had admired for some time. I had read his books, watched his weekly tv show, and scanned his newspapers columns. I really thought he knew anything and everything about finances.

He was selling a can’t lose investment that supposedly not only provided a good return but saved the investor on taxes too.

What a great deal, right?

How Much is Enough?

After reading Erin’s great post a few days ago and talking about it with one of my good friends, and after a conversation I had with my fiancee, the question came up, “When is enough, enough?”

Erin and Ken both quoted Trump and Rich Dad, Full of Shit Dad as saying you need to invest to win, how much do you really need? Do you need billions? Not really. Do you need Buffett or Gates money? No. If you got rich through frugality, like most people do I think, you aren’t really interested in those shiny new cars or mansions because you realize they are just a huge waste of money for show and aren’t really necessary.

Why the Poor Will Always Be With Us

The Naked Economist (and no ladies, he is not actually naked in the picture, disappointing I know) in his most recent Yahoo Finance Article made this comment: The living wage: Wouldn’t it be great if everyone in America earned at least $12 to $15 an hour? I think it would be. The fact that America’s (more…)

Twist on Orman’s Parent Trap

Crazy Parents. A Drain?Suze Orman’s latest Yahoo article titled The Parent Trap addresses the issues Boomers are facing with grown kids moving back in, as well as aging parents. I see another problem here, my own personal parent trap. Let me esplain…

My parents were crazy youngsters when hey had me, divorced when I was two, and then those crazy fools married again when I was in my late teens. Each had more children, and one parent even gained a whole other family. I have been on my own ever since.