I’ve thrown together a few tools you guys can use to keep tabs on us. Subscribing to the InvestorGeeks feed is the first way, but we also do a lot of writing outside of the site.

At Rollyo.com, you can use our custom-configured InvestorGeeks_Authors search engine which will search through a list of all the investing and personal finance blogs our authors maintain. This is a great way to get the InvestorGeeks take on MSFT or find articles by InvestorGeeks authors on 401ks.

The next tool comes courtesy of FeedJumbler.com. Once again I’ve compiled a list of all of the blogs maintained by InvestorGeeks authors (this time including non-investing related blogs) so you can keep tabs on our every move. You can subscribe to the feed using your favorite feedreader by visiting the InvestorGeeks Combined Feed.