I am currently reading The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life in bits and pieces. It’s very entertaining.

This is not the type of book I would normally purchase or maybe even pick up at the library. I’m as interested in Warren Buffet as anybody, but this thing is pretty thick and daunting. Lucky for me, publishers send me books to review all the time. (And there just hoping for a link like the one above and maybe an Amazon review. I should give them that more often.) So anyway, I picked it up between books and have gotten into it.

Warren’s life is interesting. And then there is this payoff that you know the guy eventually becomes the wealthiest (or damn near) man on the planet. It’s fun to read about all the deals and trades he made: everything from selling bubblegum as a kid to stealthy acquiring a majority share of some company and ousting the board. Worth a read.